Oct 13, 2011 -
UNITY Webinar: Parallel Worlds—Key Strategies for Preventing Violence in Schools and in the Community
Representatives of the UNITY City Network will discuss how to structure initiatives and increase coordination so local prevention efforts encompass both street violence and bullying. Part of the UNITY Peer Learning Forum Bullying Prevention series, this webinar will explore shared strategies for...
Oct 11, 2011 -
UNITY Co-Chair on Criminal Justice Reform
At the invitation of The Sentencing Project, UNITY Co-Chair Deborah Prothrow-Stith will present her vision for criminal justice policy over the next 25 years and discuss promising strategies at Criminal Justice 2036: A 25-Year Vision for Reform in Washington, D.C.
Oct 4, 2011 -
Webinar: Preventing Violence Is Critical to Our Nation’s Health—A Facilitated Discussion with Public Health Leaders
Join UNITY Co-Chair Larry Cohen in conversation with national public health leaders on preventing violence, and hear remarks by Howard Spivak, the new director of the Division of Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Register now.
Sep 8, 2011 -
UNITY Webinar: Beyond the Campus—Bullying Prevention in the Community
Everyone can play a role to ensure that each child is cared for and feels safe. Part of the UNITY Peer Learning Forum training series, this webinar will share sample strategies that successfully engage the broader community in local efforts to prevent bullying.
Jun 28, 2011 -
Webinar: Programs and Partnerships to Prevent Gang-Related Youth Violence
UNITY Co-Chair Billie Weiss is a featured speaker on this webinar co-sponsored by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and Safe States Alliance. Tony Gomez of the UNITY Steering Committee will...
Jun 14, 2011 -
Norms Change Campaign Meetings in Chicago
UNITY participated in local meetings to develop a norms change campaign in Chicago to prevent violence. Participants included Christopher Mallette, Xavier Morales, Howard Pinderhughes and representatives of Chicago Public Schools, Mary's Court Foundation, Burrell Communications, MEE Productions,...
Jun 13, 2011 -
UNITY at the New Jersey Youth Development Forum
UNITY presented at the New Jersey Youth Development Forum on how a coordinated, multi-sector public health approach can reduce urban violence. Hosted by the New Jersey Attorney General's Office and Rutgers University, the Forum invited UNITY as a model practice in the area of coordinated approaches...
May 27, 2011 -
Minneapolis Youth Violence Prevention Conference
Since Minneapolis launched its Blueprint for Action initiative in 2008 to prevent youth violence, the city has seen juvenile violent crime and homicide rates drop. This conference will build Minneapolis's success implementing an innovative public health strategy. By engaging the community and...
May 2, 2011 -
UNITY Meeting: Advancing State Efforts to Prevent Urban Violence
UNITY hosted a successful meeting of state health officials to advance state efforts to prevent violence in U.S. cities. Sponsored in partnership with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and Safe States Alliance, the meeting made connections between violence and other...
Apr 28, 2011 -
Institute of Medicine Global Violence Prevention Forum
UNITY Project Director Rachel Davis emphasized the value of prevention at the Institute of Medicine Global Violence Prevention Forum's workshop on the social and economic cost of violence. View the meeting agenda and presentations at the event web page.
Apr 8, 2011 -
Chicago Celebrates National Public Health Week
Chicago, a UNITY city, will mark National Public Health Week on April 8 with a dynamic panel discussion on ending violence and bullying among teens and young adults. Prominent local violence prevention and safety advocates, educators, students, policymakers, law enforcement officials and community...
Apr 4, 2011 -
Summit on Preventing Youth Violence in Washington, DC
Members of the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention and teams representing six cities convened to share comprehensive plans to prevent violence. Representatives of Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, Salinas and San Jose presented at the Summit on Preventing Youth Violence, and many are...
Mar 30, 2011 -
"Live Well, San Diego" Training to Prevent Violence
UNITY Project Director Rachel Davis provided an orientation on comprehensive, effective approaches to prevent violence to "Live Well, San Diego: Fostering Safe Communities." This county-wide initiative includes San Diego, a UNITY city.
Dec 18, 2010 -
Understanding the Current Context for Violence Prevention: Updates on Health Reform and Juvenile Justice Legislation
As we enter the new year, what is the landscape for violence prevention? Register for this webinar featuring UNITY Co-Chair Larry Cohen and Nancy Gannon Hornberger, executive director of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice. Larry will discuss the implications of Health Reform for violence prevention...
Oct 27, 2010 -
International Conference on Urban Health
New York, New York
UNITY Program Manager, Xavier Morales highlighted lessons from UNITY for preventing violence affecting youth in U.S. urban areas. His second workshop explored links between preventing violence and preventing chronic disease, including joint strategies.
Learn more about emerging...
Oct 26, 2010 -
Urban Peace Academy: Training Frontline Gang Intervention Workers to Reduce Gang Violence
Prevention Institute/UNITY; the National League of Cities' Institute for Youth, Education, and Families; and the California Cities Gang Prevention Network are excited to highlight the success of Urban Peace Academy, the training component of Advancement Project's comprehensive strategy to reduce...
Oct 23, 2010 -
CJJ National Disproportionate Minority Contact Conference
Jersey City, New Jersey
Presenters: Xavier Morales, Neil Rainford, Howard Pinderhughes, Michael Sullivan
UNITY presented a plenary panel on prevention as part of a larger strategy to eliminate disproportionate minority contact in juvenile justice. The panel featured Lt. Micheal Sullivan from the...
Sep 21, 2010 -
World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion: "UNITY: Lessons Learned from a National Initiative to Prevent Violence"
London, UK
Presenter: Larry Cohen and Sandra Viera
At the World Injury Conference in London, UNITY Co-Chair Larry Cohen presented on the impact of violence and fear of violence as a major roadblock to the success of chronic disease prevention strategies. He offered UNITY as an example of a...
Sep 12, 2010 -
15th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, & Trauma: "UNITY: Lessons Learned from a National Initiative to Prevent Violence"
San Diego, CA
Presenter: Annie Lyles
UNITY Program Manager, Annie Lyles led a session at the 15th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, & Trauma on how communities can prevent violence before it occurs and gave local examples of successful strategies from across the nation. The session...
Sep 7, 2010 -
UNITY Strategy Convening
Topical Leaders, experts from around the country, and representatives from cities in the UNITY City Network gathered in Oakland, CA for the UNITY Strategy Convening. Participants at the UNITY Strategy Convening identified opportunities and prioritized action steps to advance the UNITY Urban Agenda.