The UNITY City Network is a growing network of members committed to:
- Preventing and reducing violence affecting young people
- Promoting and engaging a public health approach to violence
- Sustaining a local planning and implementation process that include multi-sector collaboration
- Developing a plan in each city that focuses on preventing violence.
The Network provides the opportunity for:
- City leaders throughout the United States to work with, share and learn from peers
- Capturing and disseminating best, promising and emerging practices
- Making recommendations, including policy changes to support cities in preventing violence
For cities in the UNITY City Network, UNITY:
- Provides training and consultation services (written, verbal and on-site) on strategic planning, implementation and evaluation for preventing violence, according to the elements of the UNITY RoadMap and other effective strategies and programs
- Assists cities to develop, implement and evaluate plans for preventing violence
- Convenes UNITY City Network meetings
- Highlights the work of UNITY cities in UNITY materials and website and other venues
- Makes recommendations, including new policies based on the work of participating cities
UNITY City Network
Hillsborough County
Kansas City
Los Angeles
Multnomah County
New Orleans
Salinas/Monterey County
Santa Clara County
Seattle/King County
St. Louis
To learn more about our work, browse our publications or review our meeting notes:
- Speaking Truth to Power: 5 Key Themes and Directions for Violence Prevention: UNITY meeting proceedings (March 2017)
- Informing the Future of Safer Communities and Healthy Child Development: Proceedings from a Cradle to Community Convening (April 2016)
- Advancing Multi-Sector Efforts to Prevent Urban Violence, a UNITY event summary (January 2015)
- UNITY City Network Convening Summary (October 2012)
- Synthesis Notes: UNITY Strategy Convening (September 2010)
- Synthesis Notes: UNITY City Network Web Forum (August 2009)
- Synthesis Notes: UNITY City Network Convening (June 2009)
- UNITY: Prioritized Strategies to Prevent Violence Before it Occurs (August 2007)
For more information on becoming a member of the UNITY City Network, please contact us.