Next steps and resources
Module 4 > Next steps and resources
You have completed Module 4: Developing strategies
Now what? We hope that you will take what you learned and use it to build the case for suicide prevention with your colleagues and both existing and future partners. As an initial first step, download a PDF of the module activities to use in meetings or other settings. Also, be sure to check out our other suicide prevention modules and multimedia resources.
Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Wasserman, D., Iosue, M., Wuestefeld, A. and Carli, V. (2020), Adaptation of evidence‐based suicide prevention strategies during and after the COVID‐19 pandemic. World Psychiatry, 19: 294-306.
Moutier C. Suicide Prevention in the COVID-19 Era: Transforming Threat Into Opportunity. JAMA Psychiatry. Published online October 16, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.374
Yang J, Chu Y, Salmon MA. Predicting Perceived Isolation Among Midlife and Older LGBT Adults: The Role of Welcoming Aging Service Providers. The Gerontologist. 2017;58(5):904-912. doi:10.1093/geront/gnx092
- Russell ST, Fish JN. Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2016;12:465-487. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-021815-093153
- Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- An Action Plan for Strengthening Mental Health and the Prevention of Suicide in the Aftermath of COVID-19 - National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
- Transforming Communities: Key Elements for the Implementation of Comprehensive Community-Based Suicide Prevention - National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
- State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure Recommendations - Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: call to action, full report and overview - U.S. Surgeon General and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
- Effective Suicide Prevention Model - Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience: A Framework for Addressing and Preventing Community Trauma - Prevention Institute
- Connect2Affect Chat- AARP
- Your state suicide prevention plan
- FPL donates 1,000 utility poles to Palm Beach County to help provide internet access to students in underserved communities- FPL
- LGBT Grants Press Release- Oregon Allinace to Prevent Suicide
- Colorado Prevention Resource Folder
- Colorado Violence and Injury PreventionMental Health Promotion Strategic Plan 2016-2020- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Putting Prevention Science to Work- Colorado Office of Behavioral Health
- Strategic Planning- Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- Trauma-Informed Community Building and Engagement - Urban Institute
- Suicide Prevention Strategy Checklist- Prevention Institute
- Strategy Assessment Activity Booklet- CDC
- Massachusetts Strategic Plan for Suicide Prevention- Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention
- Evaluation Framework- CDC
- Select, Adapt, Evaluate- CDC
- Suicide Prevention Evaluation Toolkit- RAND
- Evaluation Tools- Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- Developing a Logic Model & Theory of Change- Community Toolbox
- Colorado Maternal and Child Health Program Suicide and Bullying Prevention Logic Model- Colorado Department of Public Health & Enivornment
- Theory of Change Logic Model- Resilience Grow Here