Module 3 > Data-informed, community-driven interventions
What are some promising interventions to consider to equitably support high-risk populations in your community? The CDC’s Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices offers strategies and approaches that are supported by best available research. This means that many promising interventions with supporting contextual or experiential evidence are not included. Frequently, data-informed, community-driven interventions tailored to some of the communities at highest risk for suicide fall into this category. To equitably prevent suicide in populations at elevated risk, these types of promising interventions merit consideration as part of your planning process.
To provide examples, this section includes a brief description of some promising interventions that have demonstrated potential to support different populations at elevated risk.
Examples of affirming solutions for marginalized identities
Reflection Question
Based on what you’ve learned, how might you need to shift your suicide prevention efforts to be more equitable for communities with marginalized identities?
Next lessons in this section
Continue to the next lesson of the "Data-informed, community-driven interventions" section of Module 3 to examine the link between community conditions and suicide risk:
Community-level strategies for high-priority populations - How do priorities overlap with community factors?
Photo Credit: CC by Alobos Life