Updated September 15, 2014
Ensures current nutritional standards for foods and beverages sold in vending machines in state buildings remain in place by removing the “sunset” date on the nutritional guidelines in the current law.
Sponsors: California Center for Public Health Advocacy, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, American Heart Association
Status: Signed into law by Governor Brown.
Status: Passed Senate Governmental Organization Committee
Provides consumers with information on health problems associated with the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.
Sponsors: California Center for Public Health Advocacy, California Medical Association, California Black Health Network, Latino Coalition for a Healthy California
Status: Passed Senate. Held in Assembly Health Committee.
SB 1002 (De Leon): Medi-Cal & CalFresh: Aligning Opportunities for Health Act of 2014
Strengthens alignments between Medi-Cal and CalFresh reporting periods, streamlines benefit delivery and ensures access to federally-funded nutrition and health benefits for low-income Californians.
Sponsors: California Food Policy Advocates, Western Center on Law and Poverty
Status: Vetoed by Governor Brown.
Directs state regulators to develop a pollution reduction timetable for both greenhouse gas emissions and short-lived climate pollutants through an open and public process that takes into account the health and safety risks of climate change, California’s economic competitiveness and innovation potential, and the need to improve air quality in disadvantaged communities.
Sponsors: Physicians for Social Responsibility
Status: Passed Senate Environmental Quality Committee. Held on Senate Appropriations Suspense file.
Establishes statewide performance goals and customer service standards for CalFresh in order to boost participation in CalFresh.
Sponsor: California Food Policy Advocates and SF-Marin Food Bank
Status: Held on Senate Appropriations Suspense file.
Increases fines for specified traffic violations if violations occurred when passing a school building or grounds. The bill would require that these additional fines be deposited in the State Transportation Fund for purposes of the Active Transportation Program.
Status: Vetoed by Governor Brown.