May 29, 2014
9:00am - 12:00pm
Masonic Temple Ballroom
1123 J St
Sacramento, CA 95814
12:00pm - 3:30pm
California State Capitol - North Steps
1100 L St.
Sacramento, CA 95814
ENACT Day is a yearly event that brings a coalition of community residents, youth, and local organizations together in the state capital to develop the skills and capacity necessary to build a California where access to healthy food and safe places for physical activity are available to everyone. Food, activity, and health equity are the central themes of ENACT Day.
SB 1000 (Monning & Lara): Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Warning Label Act
Senate Bill 1000 requires the following warning label on the front of containers of beverages with added sweetener and 75 calories of more per 12 ounces: “State of California Safety Warning: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.” This warning will also be required on vending machines, self-serve soda fountains, and at the point of purchase where beverages are sold in unlabeled glasses in California.
SB 1151 (Cannella): Safer School Zones
Senate Bill 1151: Safer School Zones aims to increase safety among school-age children in school zones and discourage unsafe driving behavior through an additional fine of $35 for traffic violations cited in school zones. The fines will be directed to the Active Transportation Program for school zone safety projects which encourage safety and promote regular physical activity for children as they walk or bike to and from school. Walking or biking to school should be a safe way for children to engage in regular physical activity; unfortunately many kids face challenges in walking or biking safely to school due to poor community design and limited bike or pedestrian infrastructure. California has the nation's highest fatality rate among child pedestrians aged 4 to 7 years old and the second highest rate among child pedestrians aged 14 years and younger. The risk of pedestrian injury or death is directly related to the lack of walking and biking infrastructure in many California communities.
AB 1179 (Bocanegra): Adding Superintendent of Public Instruction to Strategic Growth Council
Assembly Bill 1179 adds the Superintendent of Public Instruction or his or her designee to the Strategic Growth Council, which has specified duties relating to coordination of actions of state agencies relative to improvement of air and water quality, natural resource protection, transportation and various other matters.
AB 2449 (Bocanegra): Lunchtime Supports Learning: Give Students Adequate Time to Eat
Assembly Bill 2449 ensures that students have enough time to sit down and eat a nutritious lunch at school. Many California students miss out on the full benefits of school lunch due to factors outside of their control, such as long lines and wait times, insufficient points of service and scheduling constraints. When students don’t have enough time to eat, they throw away parts of their meal, buy less nutritious snacks instead or skip lunch entirely. AB 2449 would improve student nutrition, reduce food waste and support student learning, while more efficiently spending funds that provide for school meals.
A Policy Platform for Health, Safety and Equity in California
This policy platform is a call to action targeting state leaders and policymakers with concrete policy recommendations to make California a more healthy, safe and equitable state. It focuses on the key factors that shape health in California communities – from access to healthy food to safe places for children and families to play to fostering a healthcare system that prevents illness before it occurs. The report also calls on state policy makers to analyze the health impacts of all state policy and budgetary proposals. The policy platform will be released to the public on ENACT Day.
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ENACT Day Organizing Sponsors
- American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc.
- Berkeley Media Studies Group
- California Center for Public Health Advocacy
- California Convergence
- California Food Policy Advocates
- The California Pan-Ethnic Health Network
- Prevention Institute
- Public Health Institute
- Safe Routes to School National Partnership
- Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food & Activity Environments
ENACT Day Co-Sponsors
ENACT Day Supporters