For Immediate Release: August 2, 2017
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A new report from Prevention Institute explores how to improve conditions in neighborhoods and communities without pushing out current residents and small businesses.
In recent years, we’ve seen a surge of initiatives to design healthier communities. Bike lanes, parks, urban trails, public transit, grocery stores—these efforts are clearly meant to improve community health and safety. Yet too often, these interventions—combined with shifting job and housing markets—increase the likelihood that low- and middle- income households and people of color get squeezed out of housing and business markets, rather than benefiting from investment and development.
What can people working to improve community conditions in fields like transportation, parks and open space, food justice, planning, public health, and philanthropy do to ensure that their efforts align with affordable housing strategies and don’t contribute to displacement?
Prevention Institute’s new report, Healthy Development without Displacement: Realizing the Vision of Healthy Communities for All, shares preliminary strategies that multiple sectors can use in their work to prevent displacement, and highlights the organizations, researchers, and communities leading these efforts.
For more information on this report, email, or call 510-444-7738, ext. 377.