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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-alert: January 4, 2017

Join Larry for reading, signing, discussion of his new book Prevention Diaries

Please join us for the inaugural book release event for Prevention Institute founder and Executive Director Larry’s new book, Prevention Diaries: The Practice and Pursuit of Health for All, sponsored by the UC Berkeley Schools of Public Health and Social Welfare. Larry will be reading selections from the book, signing copies, and chatting with audience members at the January 26 event at the Social Research Library at the University of California at Berkeley.  Please come and enjoy beverages, appetizers, and great conversation! If you aren’t in the neighborhood, please spread the word to friends in the Bay Area.

Prevention Diaries book release 

January 26, 2017: 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Social Research Library, 227 Haviland Path

University of California at Berkeley

Click here for more details on location

There’s never been a more important time to talk about public health and prevention. The goal of Prevention Diaries is to make the case for prevention as a critical transformational tool to drive health and social change in our country.  “I wrote Prevention Diaries to give voice to the quiet solutions taking shape across the US – the people working to reinvent our healthcare system to support health and wellbeing in the first place, the communities mobilizing to no longer accept violence within homes and neighborhoods, the networks that come together to ensure everyone has access to affordable healthy food and safe places to be active,” Larry says. 

Copies of Prevention Diaries will be available for purchase at the event, and royalties will go to the Beverly Coleman Miller Fellowship fund for equity and prevention. The book’s website features discussion questions and resources for classes or book groups, as well as information on upcoming events.

We look forward to seeing you on January 26th!

Book discounts available

Discounts of 20% to 50% for Prevention Diaries are available for those who purchase 10 or more copies through publisher Oxford University Press.

Health Affairs reviews Diaries

Health Affairs described Prevention Diaries as an “engaging and well-documented exploration of America’s gradual, and in some cases grudging, recognition that adopting individual and community prevention-oriented policies and practices is key to promoting health and health equity, reducing injuries, and preventing violence.” Read the review

Promoting Prevention Diaries

If you’d like to help us promote Prevention Diaries—thank you! Here are some ways you can help:

  • Tell five friends or colleagues about the book, or give the book to them
  • ‘Like’ Prevention Diaries on Facebook
  • Follow the book on Twitter
  • Mention the book on social media
  • Write a review of the book for Amazon and Goodreads 
  • Download flyers and postcards and distribute at meetings

Upcoming reading in Marin County

Larry will read from Prevention Diaries on Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. at Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA. Information on this and other events can be found here.

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221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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