Prevention has come a long way since Prevention Institute first introduced our landmark text,
Prevention is Primary: Strategies for Community Wellbeing, three years ago. From its inclusion in the economic stimulus to its role in the Affordable Care Act, prevention has unprecedented national recognition--and newly dedicated resources.
The just-released, updated and revised Second Edition of Prevention is Primary arrives on bookshelves in time to prepare public health advocates, the primary care workforce and community-based organizations to fully participate in this new national conversation, equipped with best-practices, concrete prevention tools and strategies to strengthen community efforts. You'll be able to:
Expand your application of primary prevention with a new chapter, "Mental Health in the Realm of Primary Prevention" (Anita Wells, GiShawn Mance and Taqi Tirmazi), including strategies to address mental health needs of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Connect safety to prevention with a fully updated and revised chapter on "A Public Health Approach to Preventing Violence" (Deborah Prothrow-Stith and Rachel Davis).
- Prepare to address industry practices with a new chapter on "The Impact of Corporate Practice on Health and Health Policy" (Nicholas Freudenberg and Sandro Galea); including a sidebar on the work of international infant feeding pioneer, Patti Rundall.
Co-published by Jossey Bass and APHA , edited by Larry Cohen, Vivian Chavéz and Sana Chehimi, and written for a broad audience--from students to practitioners and advocates--the text describes the overarching foundation and principles guiding primary prevention efforts and highlights prevention practice through a range of social and health issues, including chronic disease, HIV, violence and mental health. Read the first chapter, The Imperative for Prevention.
We invite you to experience Prevention is Primary for the first time, or see what is new. Order your copy today from our website and receive fifteen dollars off the cover price. And let us know what you think!
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