Communities Putting Prevention to Work: Alleghany, Ashe, and Watauga counties, North Carolina

Local North Carolina-grown fruits and vegetables will be more available, especially to rural communities and low-income residents through new farmers' markets. Teenagers picking up a quick afterschool snack will find healthy items at the convenience store. Children will participate in child-care programs with more physical activity. Mothers will be encouraged and provided the support necessary to breast-feed. Residents will take advantage of new shared-use agreements to exercise at facilities throughout the community. Community members from all three Appalachian Counties will unite in the...

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Communities Putting Prevention to Work: Wood County, Wisconsin

  • In Wood County, 19 new gardens have been created at childcare centers serving 1,800 children. The gardens support early learning about healthy eating and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  • More than 200 second- through fourth-grade students at 10 Wood County elementary schools participated in Fit-tastic, an eight-week afterschool program that helped them develop healthier eating and physical-activity habits.
  • Two local United Way organizations are incorporating wellness-outcomes objectives into their grant contracts with 58 community-based
  • ...

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Chicago’s Legislation to Limit Restrictive Land-Use Covenants

Believed to be the first ordinance of its kind, Chicago's legislation to limit restrictive land-use covenants prevents supermarkets and drugstores from restricting future use of vacated property in the event of store closures. This ordinance holds great promise to prevent neighborhood blight and promote residents' continued access to fresh, healthy food retailers.

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