Vince Leus
Email: Vince_at_preventioninstitute_dot_org
Vince Leus, MURP (He/Him/His), is a Program Manager based in Los Angeles, where he manages Prevention Institute’s California statewide policy initiatives and leads projects working with the government and philanthropic sectors to operationalize equity in policymaking, public administration, and grantmaking. Vince leads Prevention Institute’s California’s policy strategy, engaging stakeholders, coalitions, and policymakers to advance policies that address key determinants of health including housing, the built environment, economic justice, and community safety. Vince co-authored Investing in Equity, a policy brief that outlines strategies policymakers and government administrators can use to “bake” equity into the design, implementation, and oversight and evaluation of public funding programs.
Vince brings valuable experience as a community organizer and urban planner, having previously organized residents in Los Angeles’s Koreatown, Chinatown, and East Hollywood neighborhoods to fight for equitable development at City Planning Department hearings. In tandem with his organizing work. Because of these experiences, he is passionate about understanding how policy and planning practices that directly address the needs of marginalized communities can aid in creating healthy communities. Vince received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from UC Riverside and the Master of Urban and Regional Planning from the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs.
Vince was born and raised in the Bay Area, loves going on runs with his dog Elphie, and moonlights as a DJ.