Emeritus Advisors

Mayra Alvarez, President, The Children's Partnerships
Kelly Brownell, Dean and Professor of Public Policy, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University
Anna Caballero, State Senator from the 12th State Senate District
Renee Canady, CEO, MPHI
Toni Gantz, Deputy Counsel at the New York City Department of Education
Trevor Hancock, Professor and Senior Scholar, School of Public Health and Social Policy, University of Victoria
Dick Jackson, Professor Emeritus, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, UCLA School of Public Health
Paul D. Lopez, Denver City Clerk and Recorder, Colorado
Marion Nestle, Paulette Goddard Professor, Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, New York University
Deborah Prothrow-Stith, Dean of the College of Medicine, Chalres R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Brian Smedley, Equity Scholar, Urban Institute
Esta Soler, President, Futures Without Violence
Lawrence Wallack, Professor of Community Health; Dean, College of Urban and Public Affairs Portland State University
Stephen Williams, Director, Houston Health Department
Renee Wilson-Simmons, Founder & Principal, Healing Trauma, Reclaiming Joy