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Prevention Institute E-Alert: May 12, 2016

Strategies to Engage the Business Sector in Promoting Community Safety

Violence takes a toll on the business and economic climate. The business sector has a stake in the solution to violence and an important role to play in achieving peace. Businesses can play a critical part in making multisector efforts to prevent violence succeed. For example, targeted employment and employee training, mentorship, apprenticeship, and economic development, in conjunction with coordinated efforts in the public and service sectors, can make a difference in violence rates while improving the business climate and local economies.

Featuring Jenna Abbott, Executive Director of the Mack Road Partnership, and Freddy Barton, Executive Director of Safe & Sound Hillsborough, this webinar will provide an overview of the business sector’s role in violence prevention efforts. It will describe strategies for engaging this sector, provides examples of successful business sector engagement, and show how PI’s Collaboration Multiplier Tool can be used to support business and other sectors in coming together to achieve a shared vision.

Engaging the Business Sector in Preventing Violence

Tuesday, May 31, 2016
10:30am-12:00pm PST/1:30pm-3:00pm EST
Register Here

This web conference is made possible by the support of the Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation.

PI is hiring

We are looking for a new staff member to join our team who is committed to providing leadership in improving health and safety and reducing inequities through a focus on prevention.  Applicant may be hired as Program Director or Program Manager.  Find the hiring announcement here.

Business Sector Activities to Advance Violence Prevention Efforts

What can businesses do to prevent violence? Our Business Sector Action Checklist uses the Spectrum of Prevention to provide a list of actions for the business sector to enhance community safety. 

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t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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