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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute alert: July 30, 2013

Take One Minute to Ensure Our Alerts Make it to Your Inbox

Greetings from Prevention Institute! Recently, you might have noticed some changes to your Gmail inbox. Gmail has set up new "tabs" for some of its users, separating the emails you get into "Primary," "Social" and "Promotions" tabs. Unfortunately, one side effect of this change is that some of our alerts might not be reaching you the way they used to. If you don’t regularly check your "Promotions" tab, you might miss time-sensitive information from us on prevention-related events, funding announcements and opportunities for legislative action and media advocacy.

We want to keep sending you information on projects, publications and events that put quality prevention in action – and we also want to make sure you’re able to find our alerts. Here's how you can make sure you're getting our emails in your "Primary" tab:

If this email went into your "Promotions" tab:

  • Go to your "Promotions" tab and locate this message in the list. Then click on the message and drag it over to the "Primary" tab.
  • You can also click the Star icon on this message to mark it as important – this will tell Gmail to put Prevention Institute messages into your "Primary" tab in the future.

If this email already went to your "Primary" tab:

  • Click here to update your contact information. Be sure to include your zip code, so we can send you relevant alerts on what you can do to support prevention efforts near you.

If your Gmail inbox hasn't changed yet:

  • Click the Star icon on this message to mark it as important. That should tell Gmail to put Prevention Institute messages into your "Primary" tab when your inbox does make the switch.
  • Then, click here to update your contact information like your zip code, so we’re able to send you information about prevention efforts happening in your area.

Thank you for being a part of the prevention community, and for your continued support and interest in healthy communities.

Keep Primary Prevention in Your Primary Inbox

We’re sending you this message because you use a Gmail address to receive our alerts. Due to recent changes in Gmail’s platform, you might not regularly see emails from Prevention Institute. Please read our instruction in the body of this message, and take one minute to change your settings so we can continue to send you information on projects, publications and events that put quality prevention in action. Thank you!

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221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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